Saturday 21 July 2012

The Paleo Diet - My Review

The Paleo Diet, or to give it the full name - The Paleolithic Diet,(and some folks have even been known to call it the Caveman Diet lol), is a diet that has gained a lot of popularity in recent months. Basically, it involves eating the kinds of foods that our ancestors ate around 10,000 years ago. Have you ever seen any of the old dinosaur movies? Did any of those guys in the tiger skin outfits look fat or unhealthy? No, that's right, they were all positively buff (apart from the one little guy with a beard who always got eaten!) and so obviously the Paleo Diet must be good for you!!!

 Ok, so I'm joking, but actually, this diet really seems to work. Click here to find out more

There's some reasonable science behind its claims as well. You see, it works on the principle that our bodies are designed at a genetic level to thrive and do well on certain kinds of foods. Now, burgers, fries and pizza generally weren't available to our forefathers, instead they had to make do with the meat they could kill, the vegetables they could grow and the fish they could catch. Not en E-number or artificial coloring in sight!

 That's why the main ingredients of the Paleo Diet are meat, vegetables, fish, fruit, roots and nuts. Whats not included are grains, dairy products, legumes, refined sugar or even good old salt. The reason for these omission is that they weren't available until we discovered agriculture and so, obviously, our caveman ancestors wouldn't have used them. Good, so we understand whats in and whats out, but where did this crazy notion of a diet come from?

Well, despite coming to popularity recently, the Paleo Diet actually has its origins firmly in the 1970's. That's when author Walter L. Voegtlin, (great name) first came up with the idea, and its an idea that has been refined through several generations of subsequent authors until we have the version that is proving so popular today. Mind you, it doesn't have universal support for the good folks over at the American Diabetic Association have classified it as a fad diet. Fad, well maybe, but if it works, I say, why not try it. There's a lot of good, solid, common sense in this diet. It tells you to avoid grains, fatty, chemically packed processed foods, sugary foods and, of course all the modern fast foods that we take for granted (and eat too often) in today's hectic world.It also eschews carbohydrates in most forms.

So what are the pros and cons of the Paleo Diet?

Well, here are my main findings:-  


  • The Paleo Diet Diet plays to our evolutionary development and focuses on foods that were naturally available in the past before we decided to play with nature and come up with all kinds of synthesized and artificial foodstuffs.
  • It concentrates on eating foods that are sourced directly from the earth and animals, rather than processed foods
  • Enhanced weight loss through low carbohydrate eating plan.
  • Supports clean-eating and eating a whole-foods diet
  • Its very filling because of the high fat and protein content. Never feel hungry again!
  • Scientific studies have shown positive health benefits from following the Paleo Diet
  • It is naturally gluten and casein free


  • Its not easy to follow - it does need a bit of preparation and care which may not fit in with everyone's modern lifestyle
  • Some health experts deem it to be just another fad diet.
  • There are some health risks associated with eating high quantities of meat and saturated fat - always consult your dietician/GP before embarking on this (or any) diet plan.

Whats In The Paleo Diet?

This diet is one for the hunters and gatherers out there. Modern day foods are banned but meat, berries, roots, chicken, fish and even eggs are all in there. Personally speaking these are exactly the kinds of foods that I like to eat, so the paleo diet is a real winner in my book. Off the menu are all kinds of grains (so breakfast can be a challenge), dairy products, sugar, salt and even flour - so no nice crusty bread either - boo!

Well now, what kind of meals can you make on the Paleo diet - surely with that list it cant be much fun? Well, prepare to be surprised as you check out this little menu that I knocked together -

Breakfast:  Scrambled eggs with bacon and a nice berry compote.
Lunch:  grilled chicken with a tasty green salad and some fresh fruit for dessert.
Dinner: how about a nice juicy steak with steamed vegetables with stewed fruit for dessert.

Top it all off with lashings of fruit juice or green tea and the odd handful of nuts or raisins as a tasty snack treat.

Do You Need To Exercise?
Of course you do - even if the actual Paleo Diet books don't say this - its good for you, its fun and its free if you want it to be. It just makes good sense. Unlike our ancestors we don't need to go out and hunt for our food these days, so, instead go for a nice relaxing walk, or even a jog around the park to help you work up a healthy appetite.


The Paleo Diet is a novel approach to dieting. It works, the foods are tasty and best of all you don't feel hungry - ever! So, whats not to like. Of course, if you are a vegetarian, it might not be the diet for you but for all those meat eating carnivores out there I say - head off to the local book cave and grab a copy of The Paleo Diet.